Heavy monsoon rains, rapid snow melting, and outbursts from glacial lakes between 16 and 22 July 2015 caused large floods of the Indus River in eastern Pakistan. As of 4 August, about 1.3 million people were affected, more than 6,000 houses and over1,000 km² of crop land area were destroyed (source: United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs).
The Indus River originates at the Tibetan Plateau and flows through Tibet, western India, and eastern Pakistan. It has a length of 3,180 km and a total drainage area of about 1,165,000 km².
Presented are PROBA-V 300 m images of the Indus River flowing through eastern Pakistan at 28 June 2015 (right panel) and 4 August 2015 (left panel), showing the enormous flood extent.